
Garden Gifts

We recently received two wonderful raised beds for our community garden, thanks to Ellyn Reeder! We picked these up last Saturday, as well as some peat moss and some fertilizers! (This puts our raised bed total at six vegetable beds and one large herb bed.) We appreciate Ellyn thinking of us, and we were happy to add them to our garden -they actually arrived just in time for our planting day this Thursday at 6p!
Some tomato seedlings ready for planting!
They just came in for an overdue drink...
Would you join us as we plant our seedlings, build mounds for our squashes and melons, and mulch our walkways and beds?  We'd love to have you with us, not only to work alongside, but to also so you can get to know others in your community.
(**Don't forget: If it's raining we'll meet on Monday at 6p instead. Feel free to call and confirm (864) 378-8495.**)

Also, if you have any gardening supplies that you're itching to get rid of, please, please, please let us know. We'll be happy to pick items up, and if you're not sure if we'd want it, ask anyway!! You'd be surprised what we can use! 
See you Thursday! And thanks again to Ellyn!

 (Right: Gifts from Ellyn! And, our free compost bin from Healthy Greenwood Neighborhoods is sitting behind them!)
(Left: Some of the beautiful herb plants we just picked up from Jerry's Floral Shop & Greenhouses in Greenwood.)

1 comment:

  1. YEAH! I am so excited that this is all coming together! Thinking about you guys and your garden often!
